SOLUTIONS FOR PUBLIC UTILITIES PCN Professionals provides a number of services relating to communications systems used by electric, gas and water utilities. Our services address fixed point-to-point and point-to-multipoint systems, and mobile radio systems. They also include outdoor Wide Area Networks (WANs) used in workforce automation. These services offered include:
Demand Studies Each of the services above is normally offered as part of a larger project, but can also be provided as a stand-alone service if desired. Click on one of the items in the list above to learn about the services offered. An analyses of current system utilization, in terms of communications traffic, is usually the first step in any planning or evaluations process. Included in the analysis is an estimate of capacity exhaustion based on the growth in current services and the addition of new services. Where possible, demand studies for radio system analyses consider the originating and terminating locations, and routing for each circuit, and then "roll up" the results to determine the impact on individual radio link capacities. Demand studies are normally performed to:
Demand studies can be performed for both fixed and mobile radio systems. For more information on how demand studies can be used to support your planning and analysis activities, please contact us. A feasibility analysis in normally the first part of any major communications project. PCN Professionals has conducted feasibility analyses for both fixed and mobile networks. The following is a "top-level" list of the items normally covered in a feasibility analysis.
Feasibility analyses can be performed for both fixed and mobile radio systems. For more information on how feasibility analyses can be used to support your planning and analysis activities, please contact us. System design is normally performed once a decision has been made to proceed with deployment of a new system or the modernization of an existing system, and develops the information needed to write the RFP. Depending on the type of system involved, fixed vs. mobile, the process will vary, but generally include the following components:
System designs can be performed for both fixed and mobile radio systems. For more information on how we can support your system design activities, please contact us. RFP Development & Contract Award Most of our clients are managing radio systems as part of the day-to-day operations of the utility. As a result, they do not often get involved in large new system deployments or major upgrades to existing systems, nor do they have close contact with all of the major equipment suppliers in the industry. Since PCN Professionals works with a number of clients, we have close contact with all of the principal suppliers. As a result, we are knowledgeable of the key players and the ways they prefer to operate. This familiarity allow us to structure the technical and implementations of a Request For Proposal (RFP) for a new system in a manner that the these aspects are clearly spelled out in terms universally used throughout the industry. The services offered in developing the RFP for a large project include:
RFP development and contract support normally are associated with, and immediately follow system design activities. They can be performed for both fixed and mobile radio systems. For more information on how we can support you in this area, please contact us. Project Management (PM) is essential for the successful completion of any infrastructure construction or modernization effort. PM is not isolated part of the implementation process, but normally begins with the feasibility analysis, and is used to develop the schedule and budget data during the planning and design phases of the project. PCN Professionals can take the preliminary plan created during the previous phases of the project and develop it into a "full blown" project plan suitable for managing, tracking and reporting on the progress of the deployment, and then provide the staff to actively manage the project. The services offered in developing and managing projects include:
For more information on our project planning and management services, please contact us. An integral component of any radio system deployment is the verification test plan. Test plans need to be developed with full knowledge of the requirements the system has been engineered to meet. At PCN Professionals, we begin with the functional and technical requirements, and the equipment specification to develop an overall test plan as well as individual test procedures designed to assure the system being implemented does in fact meet its requirements. The components of a typical test plan includes:
For more information on test plans for fixed and mobile radio systems, please contact us. Actual testing is normally performed by the equipment providers, and witnessed by the system owner, operator or designated representative. Since the level of testing done during verification is more comprehensive that that done during normal operations, most owners or operators prefer to use a consultant as an advisor during the verification process. The staff at PCN Professionals have tested a variety of radio systems, ranging from small local systems to those covering large metropolitan areas or multiple states. The areas of performance verification covered include:
For more information on our performance verification services, please contact us. Modifications & Operational Support PCN Professionals offers a number of support services to system operators covering a variety of areas. These include:
For more information on these and other support services, please contact us. Version 1.0 Revised 2/07/2005 |